Tape #21 (1998). This cover is detailed right down to the fine print. Virus again and again. The tape marks the first time Concise blesses an intro when he rocks over a Diamond D beat with Checkmate. This may be my favourite into of any of these tapes. Dilated Peoples win favourite record on the strength of Revolutions cuts on "Work The Angle". He just destroyed every record with scratches that came before him and made artists step their scratch chorus game up on every record that came after this song. Literally some next level shit. Cocoa B's "Black Trump" and Gangstarr & Inspekta Deck "Above The Cloud" come a close second. The tape has a couple of recordings of Rahzel from a show he did in Vancouver too. Exclusives!
JAY SWING #21 "Slang Editorial" (Side A) - Download
JAY SWING #21 "Slang Editorial" (Side B) - Download