Tape #9 and I the "Phat Jams" title has been ditched (9 tapes too late). This one has one of my favourite all time Primo songs - Jeru's "Come Clean". Tribe's "Award Tour" also gets a nod for favourite on this tape. Honourable mentions are Company Flow's "Juvenile Technique", Snoop's "What's My Name", Slick Rick's "Behind Bars", Del's "Catch A Bad One", and Al N Ted Experience's "Boom! This In Your Vehicle". I have no clue who Al N Ted Experience are but I love this record. They would be the exact meaning of a one hit wonder except this song wasn't a hit (unless you listened to Kilo's Krispy Biskut show). Google it, download it, and then boom it in your vehicle.
JAY SWING #9 (Side A) - Download
JAY SWING #9 (Side B) - Download