Tape #8 and I'm in the mix! October 7th, 1993 is the date. The thinking here was pop the tape in the deck, press record, and don't fuck up. These are all recorded in one take. Tapes 6 and 7 were a start but this one is a mixtape from start to finish. Nothing spectacular but it's a legit mixtape. I was pretty proud of this one for that reason alone. My favourite song is a 3 way tie between Soul's "93 Til Infinity", Black Moon's "How Many Emcee's" and Diamond's "You Can't Front". Honourable mentions go to KRS' "Outta Here", De La's "Breakadawn", and Masta Ace's "Slaughtahouse". Hi-C's "I Got It Like That" is easily the winner of the 'Looking back almost 20 years later I can't figure out for the life of me why I put this song on the tape' award.
PHAT JAMS #8 (Side A) - Download
PHAT JAMS #8 (Side B) - Download